Premiered Sep 6, 2024 #Dr #LeeMerritt Dr. Lee Merritt Show Update Today EZ water and why you can’t just trust science with Dr. Merritt and Gerald Pollack Phd

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  • rtwinOPM
    4 months ago

    Here are some notable publications and books on the properties of Exclusion Zone (EZ) water:

    Books by Dr. Gerald Pollack:

    • The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor (2013) - This book explores the concept of EZ water and its unique properties*(1).
    • Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life (2001) - Discusses the role of water in cellular functions*(1).

    Research Papers:

    • Wang, A. and Pollack, G.H.: “Effect of infrared radiation on interfacial water at hydrophilic surfaces.” Colloid and Interface Science Communications 42 (2021) 100397*(2).
    • Kowacz, M. and Pollack, G.H.: “Propolis-induced exclusion of colloids: Possible new mechanism of biological action.” Colloid and Interface Science Communications 38 (2020) 100307*(2).
    • Li, Z. and Pollack, G.H.: “Surface-induced flow: A natural microscopic engine using infrared energy as fuel.” Science Advances 6 (19) 2020: eaba0941*(2).

    Collaborative Books:

    • Water and the Cell by Gerald Pollack, Ivan Cameron, and Denys Wheatley (2006) - Focuses on the role of water in cell function*(2).
    • Phase Transitions in Cell Biology by Gerald Pollack and Wei-Chun Chin (2008) - Discusses phase transitions in biological systems, including water*(2).

    These publications provide a comprehensive overview of the unique properties and potential applications of EZ water. If you need more detailed information or specific articles, you might want to explore the Pollack Laboratory’s website or academic databases.