Replaced the ESP8266 “serial->espnow sender” board with an “ESP32 C3 mini” board. The C3 has a single core (similar like the Sx variants), but the C3 does support “ESPNOW”.
(As someone else wrote)
Vaccine safety should be compared to the disease. Considering covid-19 is known to influence thrombotic events ( it is bad science to not compare this(lie 1).
This layers on to not including whether the patients who had these CTEs ever had covid, or other risk factors(lie 2). Without any exclusionary or comparative criteria of this sort it is not separating what is a “true” vaccine-related adverse event from just a general event.
It makes zero sense to compare vaccines without any dose comparison(lie 3). Over 640 million doses of the covid-19 vaccine were given in the US. Whereas flu has about 150-200 million doses/year. Population receiving those doses is also different.
Given how the method starts with lies, whatever statistics they have are already useless. That’s 3 lies of omission just in the abstract without bothering with further detail.
All posting this does is spread disinformation and give them site views they don’t deserve
A source for that map: but data-source for the map is not disclosed
He’s not the only one. There are quite a few similar selfies in this community: i think most of those posts don’t arrive at because they’re posted by a bot, which is not federated.
LCD/Camera mode is only supported on I2S0 over a parallel bus. For LCD mode, I2S0 should work at master TX mode. For camera mode, I2S0 should work at slave RX mode. These two modes are not implemented by the I2S driver. Please refer to LCD for details about the LCD implementation. For more information, see ESP32 Technical Reference Manual > I2S Controller (I2S) > LCD Mode [PDF Pg 323 “12.5 Camera-LCD Controller”].
For the one who wants to learn;