(2) Dowsing may cause one to develop other psychic abilities. As dowsers progress in their practice, many of them discover they are slowly developing psychic powers. The fact that dowsing can lead to the development of psychic abilities (such as telepathy and clairvoyance) is mentioned by Hester and many practicing dowsers.34 For example, as a member of both the ASD and the British Society of Dowsers comments: “Over many years I find the methods used by me have, in the course of their progress, transferred to Psychometry and now Astral projection, the latter two methods projecting me to all parts of the World, no matter how remote.”35

The fact that dowsing can cause one to develop psychic abilities also associates dowsing with the world of the occult and spiritism, not science.36

  1. g., The American Dowser, February 1976, 15; May 1976, 87; August 1976, 118; November 1977, 176.

  2. See John Ankerberg and John Weldon, The Facts on the Occult (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1991), 11-21.