Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance @FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance

Paul had total of ten radiation treatments to my right sacrum, two radiation treatments to my sternum, one radiation treatment to my left scapula, and then six rounds of chemotherapy. His oncologist said his cancer wasn’t curative. Then he met Dr. Ruddy. Watch his hopeful MyStory from the 3rd Educational Conference in Phoenix now

Do you have a story?

We’d love you to send in your story where info and encouragement from the FLCCC has made a positive difference to you or your family.

Did our COVID protocols help you? Our Kid’s protocol maybe? Dr Been’s Long Story short? Our Tools and Guides? The Wednesday Night Webinars? Did we help you get healthier? Has Intermittent Fasting changed your life? What about our dietary and nutraceutical info?

Anything and everything. We would love to hear your story. If you email us at, we will quickly share what we need from you.

To donate online, click here: Formed by leading critical care specialists in March 2020, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has developed highly effective treatment protocols that aim to prevent and treat COVID-19 at all stages of the disease. We are a 100% donor-supported 501©(3) non-profit organization — our work would not be possible without you.

Your gifts help us expand our reach and share the latest research

To follow FLCCC, click here:

To learn more about our protocols, click here:

To register for weekly webinars, click here:

To buy FLCCC gear, click here: