Bible’s New Testament has applied multiple levels of witnesses.

“…at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.” - Deuteronomy 19:15, Matthew 18:16

I realized that the New-testament part of the Bible is actually composed with that rule in mind to establish credibility. As in

  1. Up to 4 recordings of Jesus timeline from birth to ascension (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
  2. At least 3 events recorded in which Jesus shows his divinity
  3. At those events Jesus demanded his 3 closest disciples(John,Peter,James) to be present
  4. Those events are recorded in at least 3 of the timelines
  5. The found writings of 2 of those present, are added to the New Testament(John, Peter)


  • 3 events showing Jesus’ divinity, (e.g. when Jesus transfigured into light)
  • and there were specifically 3 witnesses present(Peter,James,John),
  • and that account was written about in 3 gospel books,
  • and 2 of those present(Peter,John) write about Him and have their books added to the NT.


  • He died on the cross
  • and there were 3+ witnesses present,
  • and that account was written about in 4 gospel books,
  • and 2 of those present(Peter,John) write about Him and have their books added to the NT.