i found this lightbox without keyboard at the second hand store. i thought i’d see what i could do.

There’s hardly any info on the Cresta AS-0216.

The websites i found, looking like the same (or similar) device;

There’s a blog about a repair of a Cresta-0216;

My device looks like this (pictures can be enlarged by clicking):

i’ll be posting some update if i have them

  • rtwinOP
    1 year ago

    I’m having memory shortage in the Nano, mostly because of the ascii-font table. Also, the cpu power is quite limited. Any extra work immediately affects the scrolling speed. e.g. performing a math.sin() for each column slows down the so much that the display to flicker. Doing a webserver task as well, will not work.

    i’m investigating a NodeMCU ESP8266 board, as it also support creating a Wifi Access Point(AP). An AP would allow for configuration by web-browser. But it seems the NodeMCU board doesn’t have proper General Purpose I/O-pins. They all seem to be affected at boot… https://rabbithole.wwwdotorg.org/2017/03/28/esp8266-gpio.html

    Here’s a picture from that website to remember:

    Above: ESP8266 GPIO digital behaviour at boot, when running a simple Arduino application that does nothing except to set all GPIOs to output a low value at boot.