There are numerous organizations, bodies, and initiatives working with the United Nations (UN) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here is a list of key abbreviations for those organizations and groups:
UN Bodies and Related Organizations:
- UNDP – United Nations Development Programme
- UNGA – United Nations General Assembly
- UNECOSOC – United Nations Economic and Social Council
- UNICEF – United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
- UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme
- UNHCR – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNFPA – United Nations Population Fund
- UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UN-Women – United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
- UNRWA – United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
- UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund
- WHO – World Health Organization
Intergovernmental and Global Partnerships:
- GCF – Green Climate Fund
- GEP – Global Environment Facility
- SIDS – Small Island Developing States
- APEC – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- G20 – Group of Twenty
- OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- CBD – Convention on Biological Diversity
- UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- COP – Conference of the Parties (related to the UNFCCC and other environmental conventions)
- FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization
- WFP – World Food Programme
- ILO – International Labour Organization
- IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development
- UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNDP – United Nations Development Programme
- UNAIDS – United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Business and Private Sector Initiatives:
- UNGC – United Nations Global Compact
- WBCSD – World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- PRI – Principles for Responsible Investment
- B4IG – Business for Inclusive Growth
- G20 B20 – G20 Business 20
- WEPs – Women’s Empowerment Principles (UN Women & UN Global Compact)
Financial and Economic Organizations:
- WB – World Bank
- IMF – International Monetary Fund
- AIIB – Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- ADB – Asian Development Bank
- EIB – European Investment Bank
- IDB – Inter-American Development Bank
- ECOSOC – Economic and Social Council (UN)
Human Rights and Development Initiatives:
- OHCHR – Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- NHRIs – National Human Rights Institutions
- CIVICUS – CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation
- PNUD – Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (Spanish for UNDP)
Climate Change and Environmental Groups:
- IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- UNCCD – United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
- UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- UNEA – United Nations Environment Assembly
- UNEP FI – United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
- IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature
Other Global Initiatives:
- G7 – Group of Seven
- G77 – Group of 77 (developing countries)
- SDG-Fund – Sustainable Development Goals Fund
- One Planet Summit
- Global Compact Network
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
These organizations, initiatives, and bodies collaborate with the UN and contribute to advancing the SDGs through policy advocacy, research, funding, technical support, and partnerships. Their work focuses on promoting sustainability, reducing inequality, addressing climate change, and ensuring that no one is left behind in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Are there events where more or less key people from those groups get together to improve collaboration?
Yes, there are several high-profile global events and forums where key leaders from UN bodies, international organizations, governments, businesses, and civil society come together to discuss, collaborate, and accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These events facilitate collaboration, share insights, and promote partnerships between stakeholders from around the world. Here are some of the most notable events where such key figures typically convene:
1. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
2. UN Climate Change Conference (COP)
3. World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos
4. SDG Action Week
5. United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)
6. Global Compact Leaders Summit
7. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit
8. International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD)
9. Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
10. Global Health Summit
11. International Labour Organization (ILO) World of Work Summit
12. Business and Sustainable Development Commission (BSDC)
13. World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
14. Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)
These events represent some of the most prominent platforms where leaders and stakeholders working on the SDGs, including the UN, governments, businesses, and civil society, come together to collaborate, set policies, share best practices, and align global efforts. They are vital in fostering the cooperation needed to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Which bodies/organizations are present in most of these events/forums?
Several bodies and organizations are consistently present in most of the major events and forums related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These organizations play a central role in promoting global sustainability, coordinating development efforts, and fostering collaboration among governments, businesses, and civil society. Here’s a list of the key organizations that are often involved across most of the major events and forums:
1. United Nations (UN)
The UN and its various specialized agencies and programs are present at nearly every major SDG event. These agencies help coordinate global efforts, provide policy guidance, and facilitate discussions on sustainable development.
2. World Bank Group (WBG)
The World Bank and its affiliates play a key role in funding, monitoring, and implementing SDG-related projects, particularly those focused on poverty reduction, infrastructure, and climate financing.
3. World Health Organization (WHO)
4. International Labour Organization (ILO)
5. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
6. United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
7. Green Climate Fund (GCF)
8. World Economic Forum (WEF)
9. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
10. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
11. Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
12. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
13. Global Environment Facility (GEF)
14. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
15. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
16. Private Sector Companies
17. International Finance Corporation (IFC)
18. Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC)
19. Global Compact Network
20. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
These organizations are central to most SDG-related forums and events due to their global influence and expertise. They bring policy, technical, financial, and operational knowledge to the table and work collaboratively to drive the global agenda for sustainable development. Their regular presence in events like the UNGA, COP summits, WEF, and SDG-related conferences is vital to advancing the SDGs and fostering cooperation between governments, businesses, and civil society.