Middle-aged gamer/creative/wiki maintainer
FFXIV, Genshin Impact, Tears of Themis, Rimworld, and more
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • No app, but its native web interface is pretty competent.

    If you know what lemmy is, you already know what kbin is. It’s essentially the same idea, just with more integration with the microblog side of the fediverse. Communities (“magazines”) also have a microblog tab which kbin users can post to, which is great for informal posts that don’t really warrant their own threads (“I tried (product) and I’m really enjoying it so far,” or “the latest episode of (show) was great,” or “(boss) in (game) is BS”). This tab also collects posts from mastodon users that use hashtags defined by magazine mods.

    The largest instance is at kbin.social, though it might be best to spread out a bit; kbin is still pretty new and there’s been a rush to the main dev’s server in the snoopocalypse.

  • Everyone has a bad day now and then. It sounds like a lot is eating at you. You might be dealing with more than your fair share people who haven’t gotten the help they need to learn why they’re twats and how it hurts them and everyone around them. I know I was a worse person until I figured out how I got the way I was a few years ago; it took me til the back half of the 30s to start to be better.

    I hope you find some peace for yourself.

  • People are individuals, all going through their own journeys. You might grow and change for the better if you’re able to figure out how to be the best you, or you might change for the worse if made bitter by a life where it feels like no one is on your side and you have to take your due since it will never be given.

    The important thing is: (1) People are twats for a reason, and (2) You can’t fix those reasons for other people and make them less twatty, so the only thing you can control is how you handle less than ideal interactions. (Tip: most well-adjusted people don’t jump to “lose hope in humanity”; the fact that you have means there’s work you can do here.)

  • What conditions are you imagining in which a donor is living but not aware of specifically who would be receiving the organ before agreeing? Tests need to be done to ensure compatibility, and a kidney is a lot to ask and probably wouldn’t be agreed to unless it helps a loved one.

    I feel like this is a strange premise whose goal is trying to try to move the line little by little until people are willing to say they’re a little bit racist/sexist. Or until people are willing to admit they don’t think others should have control over decisions made about their bodies. Be honest about your ends here instead of dreaming up fictions that make so little sense the answers are unproductive.

  • Firefly, short (sadly) and never not fun

    First 5 seasons of Supernatural, when they had a story to tell and not an IP to milk

    Last 3~4 seasons of Deep Space Nine, after the focus shifted from the soap opera to the war

    Fate/Zero and Unlimited Blade Works, often as familiar background noise when I’m not able to 100% pay attention, like a security blanket

    Persona 5, faster than a replay of the game and the main character actually gets to talk

  • I still can’t really agree that the comparison holds; we try harder in real life because the bar for being a dick is (usually) higher. On the internet, when all it takes is a few easy sentences to be a dick to a faceless stranger whose reaction we don’t have to see… to me, the response should be equally fluid, else we get bogged down being the only one putting in the effort and taking a constant beating to our self-esteem when we wonder why no one is bothering to hear us.

    However, I appreciate you being chill about clearing up what you meant. I did initially miss the comparison you were going for and feel like I was getting cereal box therapy about not cutting people off (and thus staying in toxic communities) when that wasn’t what you meant.

    Cheers back.

  • Some people in the world are just dicks, but that doesn’t mean we should reject interacting with everyone.

    Corollary: Your personal aversion to corporations doesn’t mean users have have any motivation or obligation to keep trying when we’re getting pushback from both the software and those who maintain it.

    Anyway, I’m not sure how you got that I reject interacting with everyone after my experience, but extrapolating my statement to that kind of extreme phrasing sure doesn’t fill me with confidence about future interactions, either.

  • I got tired of everything taking so much effort. I was almost always able to eventually wrangle what I wanted out of the OS, but every change I wanted to make and thing I wanted to try needed so much searching and learning. I wanted stuff that just worked, even if it was “dumber.”

    That, and some parts of the community I ran into were really prickly. One that was especially memorable: I was asking for help on a big-ish project with a lot of followers and helpers and didn’t expect the lead dev to answer my question, but when he did, he felt the need to make a snide as hell comment about how I have no business being there if I’m going to forget to start a service. On top of the exhaustion I was already feeling, I had a massive moment of “okay my guy, I guess I’ll just fucking leave then.”

    Anyway, it just feels better being a poweruser on windows. I know enough to keep it clean, safe, and slim (like using powershell to disable the bits they don’t expose to a settings UI, for example) – to truly admin my machine – without having to work so hard for it day in and day out.