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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I had a very realistic visual hallucination once (hypnopompic). I was coming out of a nap while I had a fever. I looked over, and beside the bed was a young woman staring at me intently. She leaned over to bite/eat me, but calmly and without any emotion. As soon as she got within touching distance of me, she started to vanish, from the centre-out, and within a couple seconds was totally gone.

    I was really struck by how real she seemed. She looked exactly like a real person.

    But I just knew she wasn’t real (the same way that you just know things in dreams). Because of that, I didn’t find it scary at all. I remember being a little curious what kind of sensations I would “feel” when she actually made contact with me, and was a mixture of disappointed/relieved when she vanished at that point. But strangely(?) not scared.

  • Assuming you’re a man, 32 is definitely not too old. In my personal experience as a 40-something, 32 is right around your peak.

    Are you hot? If the answer is “no”, that’s fine. Most of us aren’t. But it means that you’ll have to do a little bit more work in figuring out what kind of people (women?) are attracted to you, why they’re attracted to, and what might be the best way to meet them. The answer may not be Tinder.

  • Before getting home Internet access, my “online” world was BBSes. Local BBSes, of course, because we couldn’t dial long distance without repercussions. My favourite demogroup was Future Crew and I hated that it took months (or sometimes never) to get their releases on our local BBSes. Even with Fidonet, a lot of BBSes would only sync with remote nodes a couple times a month to save money, so it was slow going.

    I remember a few days after we got home Internet access, I was eating breakfast and I suddenly had a thought. Wait…doesn’t Future Crew’s BBS run an FTP server? I think I saw them mention that in one of their nfo files. If they have an FTP server, I could just…connect to it. Like, directly, myself, from my house.

    The implications of this were so strong that I started shaking. I couldn’t finish my breakfast.

    I ran downstairs and booted up the computer and typed in ftp.mpoli.fi and…there it was. Future Crew’s home BBS was just available for anyone in the world to connect to. I navigated around a little bit and found a song I hadn’t seen before on any of the local BBSes. I started the download, and it worked, and a blazing 3kB/s. I remember I just started crying at the implications of what a worldwide network meant.

  • I think we’re going to see a lot of strong reactions to progress. I mean we’re already seeing some of that. Neo-Luddites (are Neo-Amish next?), TradWives, dumb phone culture, etc. I think it’s going to pick up. Some good and some bad.

    Okay, so what are the good ones? I think we’ll become more family-oriented. I think we’ll re-realize that meaning in life comes largely from our relationships, and our families will become a bigger part of that.

    A spin-off of that is I think family dynamics will be generally better. Fewer people overall will have children, as those who aren’t really into it won’t feel pressured to do it (they can still have nieces and nephews and whatnot). But those who do have children will be more deliberate and passionate about it. I think parenting quality overall will improve, and parent-child relationships will be better.

    I think our economic system is going to get a major upgrade. Every year that passes, it becomes more and more obvious that the rules we have in place aren’t sustainable. The rich-poor divide is growing. Mental health is worsening. Climate change is worsening. Owning a home is now a luxury of the top 10%, and will probably be a luxury of the top 1% very soon. Eventually it’s going to get so bad that nobody can deny it needs major changes. And it will change.

    I know some tankies on Lemmy would love to jump in and say “so finally we’ll smarten up and embrace socialism”, but I don’t think we’re quite that stupid. But we’re going to fix some of the rules and corruptions.

  • I think dating should be more accidental, as well. Meet someone at the bus stop and ask them out, that sort of thing.

    Barry Schwartz (if you want more boomer opinions, look him up) made the excellent point that it’s very difficult for us to be pleasantly surprised these days. Everything we do now comes with expectations. Before a date, we look at their profile. Before a meal, we look up the restaurant ratings. Before buying anything, we read all the reviews, etc. Before we experience anything, it’s already been marketed to us. It’s great in a lot of ways, but it means that the best we can ever hope for is to be not disappointed. It’s becoming very very rare that something will exceed our expectations and we will be pleasantly surprised. I wouldn’t be surprised if this has impacts on our psychology.

    As it relates to dating, I think it’s nice when you stumble upon a good connection when it’s least expected, rather than swiping through 1000 pictures. And on your first date, you should probably have no idea what the other person might be like.