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In this powerful testimony, I share my incredible story of how Jesus Christ intervened and gave me a marriage that has lasted 25 years. Listen to some of the struggles we faced, how God showed us how to overcome the world, and the miraculous ways in which God has sustained our relationship. Friends stay until the end and hear about the one simple and profound thing that I believe kept us in love all this time. #hopeandfaith #faithoverfear #followingjesus #believer #yourfaith #faith #holyspirit #howtohearGod #knowingGod #spiritualgrowth #bible #biblestudy #biblestories #bibleverses #christianmotivation #biblereading #motivation #hope #christianity #christianliving

TOOLS TO HELP YOU GROW WITH GOD 📕 DISCIPLESHIP BOOK 1 👉 https://a.co/d/3TpDFCB 📘 DISCIPLESHIP BOOK 2 👉 https://a.co/d/7GgkdUH 🎶 Making Disciples & Leading Others To Make Them (Audio) 👉 https://a.co/d/dBfeq0D Bible I use: https://a.co/d/9mtM0WL Blue Letter Bible App: https://www.blueletterbible.org/apps-tools.cfm

BUSINESS INQUIRIES: crosstrings6@yahoo.com

Thank you for supporting me and the community! My name is Ian Kristofer and here on my channel, you’ll find videos that will equip you in true Christian living, hearing God, growing your faith, overcoming fear, reading the Bible, prayer, and fulfilling your God-given calling. My prayer for this community is to answer your God sized questions, help you discover the glory of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and give you courage to go continually give it to others.