Let us encourage one another to give our Testimonies to set another Free!

Today, we lean on Revelation 12: 11-12 to know Victory came by the blood of Jesus and the word of our Testimonies!

The world has perverted Testimonies so greatly. Many believe Testimonies are having a Man/Woman, Cars, Houses and Money in the bank… But God says a Heavenly Testimony is one that tells the story of being delivered from the hands of death to The Hand of Eternal Life!

When you are able to look at your life and say I remember placing God last YET, He continued to place me 1st!

Imagine someone’s Freedom being locked up in your testimony! The word of God encourages us to go out and tell the world what Freedom looks like, feels like, and walks like!

Remember, the enemy knows his time is short, and he plans to collect as many souls as he can while he has time. Don’t just Block him, but STOP him today by giving your Testimony of Freedom!!!

Count it All Joy knowing your Day started wrapped in Love ❤️

Share this Blessing with another ❤️

This message was recorded LIVE inside of our private Facebook group. Through obedience, we have uploaded this encouragement to YouTube for both Men and Women.

We have been called to be a blessing by bringing The Blessing! May the word of God penetrate your heart in such a way that you continue The Blessing by going out and being A Blessing❤️❤️❤️

“A Message for The Believer”

Father God, we thank you for this word today. This is the day that the Lord has made, and we have made a personal decision to be glad and rejoice in it 🙌🏽

Lord, bless the speaker in her obedience as the Holy Spirit pours the truth through her. We ask that she see the favor of your hand in all of her ways.

Bless every person that has ears to hear. May we all receive the gift of your word as it is being released. Lord, we thank you in advance for Heavenly revelation and opened doors.

Today, we fill our hearts with the Truth and pull out any lies that have taken root in us. Your word says the truth will set us free, and we rejoice, knowing that you will give us the desires of our heart❤️.

Bless The Love of A Woman… open the doors so the Holy Spirit can move boldly without barriers.

In the Mighty name of Jesus Amen🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🩸🩸🩸

Kingdom Building* If you would like to sow a seed for volunteer time or prayer please reach out to us PH: 214.753.7401 or Email theloveofawoman2020@gmail.com

If you would like to sow a financial seed please use the following…

  • Zelle 2147537401 -CashApp $theloveofawoman

We go where God says go…While doing what God says do…While being who God has created us to be…

Imagine being Covered in Love, Wrapped in Respect, all while standing on the Foundation of Gods Love… This is TLOW

This is good ground… now plant the word of God in your heart and watch it grow. All God needs from you is your Bold Yes and he promises to do the Rest… In Jesus Might Name Amen!!!

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