We have all done something wrong, some wrongs seem worse than others. Consider this: if the God of the Bible is God of the universe, then He decides what’s right and wrong. When we do wrong, it’s called sin. Sin requires a payment, the cost is death. It’s separation from God, our Creator. We then live in chaos, uncertainty, and feel as if there is something missing just like a fish out of water. Truly, there’s nothing you can do about it on your own. However, for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not die but have eternal life with Him (John 3:16). JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD and He came from heaven, lived a sinless life, and died a tragic death on a cross to pay the wage of sin and death for all humanity. After He died, Jesus rose from the grave conquering sin and death. Now, we don’t have to be separated from God because Jesus laid Himself down as the way to God, our Creator and offers you eternal life. So what do you do? How do you receive this eternal life?

• First, REPENT of your sins. Verbally tell God that you don’t want to live life sinning anymore. • Second, CONFESS Jesus to be Lord of your life. Your life in your hands sucks and you know it. Give it to the One who knows what to do with it! • Lastly, you must BELIEVE that Jesus died and rose from the dead with all your heart! Then, you will be on the path of relationship with Jesus Christ who is eternal life!

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