Brother Jim shares how God birthed the REAL LIFE STORIES CHRISTIAN TESTIMONY BOOKS ministry – how it has evolved – and how God is using these soul-winning testimonies at present.

Yet perhaps more importantly, he exhorts born again believers NOT to sit on their testimony, but to give it to God so He can use it to minister to OTHERS.

Jim has shared repeatedly over the years that the only “bad” Salvation testimony is the one NOT SHARED.

The initial vision that God gave Jim Barbarossa was to demonstrate to local church fellowships what God would do if those local church fellowships produced their OWN testimony book/s from the testimonies of people in THEIR church fellowship. Then make free books available for people in those church fellowships to pass out in their respective communities. That vision STILL STANDS.

More video segments of brother Jim sharing how God is using the REAL LIFE STORIES TESTIMONY BOOKS for the glory of God will be released in the weeks to come.

To contact brother Jim by phone: 219-762-7589

Ministry website: Available book inventory:

[For anyone who wants to MAKE CERTAIN they’ll go to heaven when they die:…]