Some might not understand why I would release a video like this. Im doing it for the fact that I don’t care about my life anymore! My salvation is in God. My hope, trust, and future is in God. So, if someone else can benefit from this testimony, then so be it.

We are living in a very evil day. According to the bible, satan is searching and on the prowl. He is seeking out people he can devour! Take warning and dont be a casualty like I was.

If I ever disappointed you personally, I apologize to you. Whether you saw the best or worst in me, God has been gracious enough to renew me, and if he is loving and patient enough to do that? That’s all I need! God bless you.

Revelation 12:11- King James Version

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.