We can grow up in church our entire lives and have a completely wrong Perspective about Our Heavenly Father and Creator Abba Yahweh, because he is Creator of all Creation and has control over all things in heaven and earth. However, Religion complicates things, but relationship simplifies everything. God is not a Religion. He does not have traditions but He has set laws commandments and statues in his word which he ordained and established and left unto us to go by so we can have values and develop our own belief system of not only who we believe in but what we believe about who we believe in. Satan loves to twist things and pervert things. God is a god of Relationship, and he is Our father and the same way we would not try to understand our earthly father through a religion but through getting to know him personally this is what God desires of us to know him as a Father. Jesus is our Husband, friend who sticks closer than a brother and Advocate and Justifier. He is Our Saviour and the only one who laid down his life for all mankind and became a blemish free innocent lamb and living sacrifice for all of us in order to save those who would believe in their heart and receive by faith through grace his gift of salvation. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and light of all humans. There is No way to heaven except through accepting salvation in Christ. If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and would like to make that decision today: You can do so by Saying: Heavenly Father I Come before you today and I Repent and acknowledge I am a Sinner and I ask you to Forgive me my Sins and to cleanse and purify my heart and wash me clean. I acknowledge you as My Lord and that you died for my sins, iniquities, transgressions and offenses. I humbly accept you as my Lord and Savior. I surrender My Life totally to you today and come into agreement that I am now Born Again through the precious blood of Jesus shed for me and I am Redeemed. Thank you, Lord for welcoming me into your Kingdom family.