My life instantly transformed after giving my life to Jesus. All trauma healed, and a peace that Ive craved my entire life. After searching for truth and healing for 25 years and immersing myself deeply into nearly every new age practice you can imagine, I was saved in an extreme way. If you know me at all, you would know that this is the last thing you would ever be expecting to hear! It still blows my mind to this day…i had SO many preconceived notions of who Jesus was and the truth of the bible, without ever having read it. My prayer is that if you are thirsting for the truth more than anything else, that Jesus will reveal it to you ♥️

Subscribe to my channel if you would like to hear about how my family were all saved in the next 12 months following.

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Steven Bancarz on ‘Why I am exposing New Age’

Why I Am Exposing The New Age Movement

The Psalm of spiritual warfare Psalm 91 by Victory Boyd