“fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you” is from Isaiah 41:10

and another that aligns perfectly as always is “God has said, never will I leave you never will I forsake you” we need constant Assurance from God’s word I believe that through that Assurance from God’s word that we learn how to love each other I really appreciate the new subscribers here especially the ones that have commented & feel heard & seen because we all are heard by Our Father in heaven He is a loving God, He sees our plight. in 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7 it clearly states who God is, His characteristics, God is love, here is how it is written, " love is patient, love is kind… it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves This is a perfect message of who God & what our God is to us He is love! Please use this Bible application for free, will never be any advertisements, as I will not turn it into a Marketplace. Asking for free will contributions. I’m praying for Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 to have protection and provision over your entire family in Jesus name! Are you feeling hopeless, helpless, anxious, worried, depressed or even suicidal? I have some good news. You’re not the only one & you’re NOT alone. I know. I was there. I’ve walked the lonely streets of downtown after dark. Looking for something that was never there. I’ve disappointed everyone I loved, friends, family, employers, co-workers and all. I’ve lived in dilapidated roach infested drug motels. I’ve been to every rehab that would take me and failed at most. Like I said, I have good news… The answer is here…He is now. He is everywhere, in ALL things. I fell on my knees one dark, miserable night, I asked God, “Is all this I hear everyone saying about this Jesus, is it the truth? I don’t know, it seems far out there, NOT real. Why can’t you just MAKE me believe it?! (I am writing this in tears as I remember that faithful day at the Salvation Army Adult Recovery Center) , well, you’re going to have to prove it because I’m pretty stubborn”…and HE DID! He did prove it. God said “Yes, everything that you have scoffed at and made fun of and nay said about, IT"S ALL TRUE my son, now you must humbly go out and confess what a fool you have been and spread this good news that I have so graciously revealed to you” So, this is the purpose of this channel…to inspire the hope that God has implanted in my soul by revealing the truth about Jesus.

I believe God has put this project on my heart and has called me to be a spreader of his word and maker of disciples through building this app. It is quite the honor to feel as though you have been called to read the word of God everyday, spread & advance His kingdom by sharing what HE has led me to create! I am working on things like growing and investing in this community and getting the word out that God is building this through me and that there is always hope for a future because He knows the plans that He has towards us, plans for hope and a future, plans to prosper and NOT to harm us.

Please give! Please like and subscribe AND most importantly share the word of God with people and pray that they receive it gratefully and put it into action in their lives!

I hope to fellowship with you in the spirit of Our Lord as I continue this journey to get to know my God and become the member of his body that He wants me to be. Love you all. Thank you for visiting and Praise God always.

This app is simply a Bible, NIV version. I have typed the words of each chapter into a div, created styles for each page/ book with vids that match the featured scripture on that book. They will change as the Spirit leads me. Living & active. I’ve decided that I’m going to do a deep dive into each gospel, proof-reading my Bible app to make sure there are no errors. I enjoyed the Journey of building this app as I am realizing that it is just the tool I need for my own Bible study!

Thanks for any and all interest and contributions or free will offerings are most welcome. This project is a fully self-funded project. it is not affiliated with any outside entity and accepts no outside contributions other than Disciples of Jesus Christ wanting to express gratitude and forward the kingdom of God. I and my wife always tithe and pay it forward. Our mission in life is to follow what God’s word tells us and to build our ministry around that!

This video is me building application from the beginning until now… see how much it has transformed, like our minds when in His word. #Jesus #motivation #godislove

#christianity #Jesus #God #Christian #Bible #faith #JesusChrist #Love #christ