Addiction was personal for me (for anyone who has seen my testimony on here). So it was a great privilege for me to go after this one. I am grateful the Father allowed me to be His vessel to get this wicked spirit out.

God wants freedom for all of His children! Why stay tormented when there’s freedom through Jesus?

For my personal addiction testimony, please watch Going Overboard For God. I have been in addiction and Jesus has set me free!

  • Theroux
    1 year ago

    What a fuckin nut job. Imagine blaming everyone but yourself for your problems, then seeking out some whack job on YouTube to justify your lies, give you a “quick cure” and a video so you can show the people you’ve hurt “evidence” that you’ve changed and that it was never you in the first place.

    Religion: you don’t have to admit fault, because it’s not YOUR fault, it was the devil! Sin, repent, repeat.