(Healing Video) Some Testimony 4253

Today~~! The theme of the testimony is crime and punishment!

The Bible! It is written that one cannot understand the Bible without the help of the Holy Spirit!

So the Bible! He tells us that only those who have ears to hear and eyes to see should see! The Bible itself speaks of everything in parables and says it is hidden~~~!

If you read the Bible at face value, you will make a big mistake! In order to understand the Bible, you must receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit! When I didn’t have faith, I used to get annoyed when they preached to me to believe in Jesus, and they would point me to a few verses from their outdated Bible and talk like a parrot. That’s why I hated Christianity even more!

However, I started believing in Jesus and studying theology at the age of 50 due to God’s push, but I wish I had started before~~ I thought that I should have thorough knowledge of the Bible!

As I try to read the Bible every day~~ After I passed the 100th reading, I stopped counting the number of times I read it and am still transcribing the entire Bible and writing the entire Bible into sermons.

As of today, the sermon number is 3125.

~~~! However, reading and writing a lot does not mean that you will learn the hidden secrets of the Bible. ~~!

I realized that the Bible should not be read by humans, but that it should be helped by the Holy Spirit.

In the Book of Genesis, Satan's crime that led Adam into deception is clearly recorded~~! Of course, it is recorded there that after eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God had commanded by law not to eat~~!

My eyes become bright and I want to become like God! Adam's sin of pride is also hidden~~!
This battle is the victory of the cunning Satan, who causes Adam and his wife, who were God's creations to live eternally in Eden, to be expelled from Eden and brought to the world ruled by the devil, where they die.

So humans, who were given eternal life without toiling in Eden, chose to be exiled to the world and live a life of sweat and suffering!

Just as Satan deceived Adam in Eden to regain his creation that was stolen by the devil, God and Satan made a pact!
as soon as! When humans commit crimes! It is a pledge that it is okay to kill~~!

And the Bible~~! He repeatedly tells us to believe in Jesus and not to sin. He tells us to leave revenge to God and to even love our enemies!

Hidden within this is God’s detailed plan for the salvation of mankind!

Among the important reasons why most humans have no choice but to sin!
If you get a grudge from your enemies! Most humans try to kill their enemies!

In short, you will be committing murder! People who sin will die at the hands of the devil.

So~~God tells us as humans not to kill~ but I will take revenge on our enemies.
~~He emphasized that you should not hate your enemies, but love them`~~!
However, when an innocent person is killed,
Instead, it was a law that Satan had to die~~!

The death of Jesus on the cross is God's meticulous and vast scenario to restore Adam, God's creation, who was taken away by Satan!

God gave his only begotten son, Jesus, as a sacrifice as food for Satan!
And the Bible repeats and emphasizes countless times that Jesus died on the cross without sin!
And as a sinless sacrifice, Jesus, without blemish, is hung on the cross and bleeds to death.

The important key word here is~~~!
It is “sinless,” “blemishless,” and “Jesus and blood”~~~!

The Bible! Every time a human commits a sin, `~~~!
Depending on one's circumstances, a blameless sheep, cow, or dove was brought to the priest, slaughtered in the back yard of the tabernacle, sprinkled with blood, and then offered to God as an offering for the forgiveness of sins.
at last! When God reached the limit of using the one-time blood of animals to forgive human sins forever, He offered His only begotten Son as a sacrifice to save mankind.

Just as Satan tempted Adam in Eden
I set a trap for Satan. Immediately after having the innocent Jesus hung on the cross!
He reminded me of the promise I made with Satan.~~!
And God said that if the death of His only begotten Son on the cross
I set a limit because I was afraid that the grace of salvation would return to the satanic forces as well!

Salvation is not applied to everyone, but only to Christians who believe in Jesus and become God's saints.
That's why when God sent Jesus to this earth, he preached the gospel, evangelized, and did healing work!

So the Bible~! Believe in Jesus~~! Do not sin~! This is why He said to leave revenge to God~~!

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