Olives are CRUSHED to get oil from them! The oil costs!!! While the world is out doing whatever they want because they CAN… remind yourself that YOU MAY NOT! SET YOUR MIND ON THINGS ABOVE SAYS THE LORD!!! ✨️

No one said the narrow path was EASY, in fact Jesus SAID FEW ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW GATE!!!

#crushed #Anointing #setApart #sanctification #pure #change #NarrowPath

My other videos:

The Church Needs to Wake Up: I visited a church & was mad at what I saw! - https://youtu.be/Yv43iZyaWRE?si=mEmf7iC2nakxfTtM

MESSAGE FOR WATCHMEN & SHAMAR PROPHETS!: https://youtu.be/Myh3ZZWgb-4?si=DF-cwqimJfMawFqt

Fasting Tips: Motherhood/ Parenthood Edition https://youtu.be/M81CkZvs_TQ

No More Self-Criticism! Fasting & Seeking the Lord! Encouragement! https://youtu.be/1aK_MLeK2vQ

False Shepherds- Prophets still exist today! https://youtu.be/kkojeDlSfmE

Deliverance will help you in your walk with Jesus! Don’t be afraid! https://youtu.be/eAt9p2vWqhs

At Target! How to pray over oil! Literally any oil! https://youtu.be/4aBRA0djlHc

Training Your Ear to Hear God’s Voice & a Challenge Read Description! https://www.youtube.com/live/7-Y74V85f1c?feature=share

God is the Perfect Match Maker: Kingdom Marriages & Prayer https://youtu.be/rdYCgBzQbs4

Praying: God Sifts our Way of Thinking https://youtu.be/z_R33r3ZuEs

Getting rid of cursed items & how to anoint your house https://youtu.be/PpJ68UIRfZs

How to anoint your home https://youtu.be/gfjkaOPnwLQ

Different Testimonies-

I wanted to be a High Priestess in the Occult- Some of my Testimony https://youtu.be/mZdtd6JdilQ

My Adoption Story: Guatemala 🇬🇹 https://www.youtube.com/live/zujgxX1IfJU?feature=share

My Struggle with drug addiction https://www.youtube.com/live/bgdgnktH5_g?feature=share

My testimony on speaking in tongues https://youtu.be/PaUom50jiyY

My Testimony Coming to Christ: Drugs, Homelessness, Backsliding

#propheticword #God #scripture #bible #salvation