Hi Everyone. Hope you are all doing well. This is the testimony video for a song I wrote named Wasted Time. This is a song about me examining my life as a follower of Jesus Christ and realizing how much time I have wasted trying to do things in my power, not seeking the Lord’s wisdom and guidance, going after my selfish desires, allowing things like fear of man, fear of failure and pride to be obstacles to seeking and doing God’s will, believing the lies of the enemy and trying to please man. But God is so good that He is always there to pick us up when we’ve been knocked down and to get us back on the narrow road that leads to life. Thanks you Lord for always being there for me and for forgiving all the times I’ve walked in disobedience, for living me unconditionally and for being my Daddy. My prayer for you and me is that as we move forward with our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we will waste less and less time and spend more and more time in the presence of God. God bless you all. Please share with anyone who comes to mind after listening to my testimony.