This video chronicles the stunning and moving journey of Afshin Jaid, a former Shia Muslim who, after a life involved with the terrorist group Hezbollah (Hesb), underwent a supernatural experience that completely transformed his outlook and beliefs. His story is a testimony to the search for spiritual truth and the encounter with God’s forgiveness and love in the midst of a seemingly desperate situation.

Afshin was born in southern Iran to a Shia Muslim family. From an early age, he received religious teachings from his grandfather, a Muslim leader. His life led him to become involved with Hezbollah and serve in the army, where he studied the Quran extensively, adhering strictly to Muslim traditions.

However, a series of mysterious and supernatural experiences intrigued him. The most memorable moment of his journey happened when he felt the presence of God in his cell, faced with a deep internal conflict. Conviction of his sins overwhelmed him, and he believed that God, in his justice, should condemn him. It was in this desperate moment that he cried out for help and heard a voice that redeemed him, revealing an unexpected forgiveness.

This transformative, grace-filled experience led him to question his beliefs and seek answers in a sincere search for truth. Afshin dedicated two weeks to prayer and fasting, seeking God to show him the way. However, he didn’t get a clear answer until the day when, in a moment of desperation, he declared that he would follow his own path. It was at that precise moment that he felt the presence of God filling his cell and the weight of his sins being lifted from his shoulders. He was forgiven and heard the name that would change his life forever: Jesus Christ, the living God.

Afshin Jaid’s story is a powerful testimony of how encountering God’s grace and love can transform lives. His journey took him away from religious extremism and led him to establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She offers a message of hope and redemption for all, reminding us that regardless of our past, everyone has the opportunity to experience God’s forgiveness and mercy and find a new purpose in life.