On today’s episode, my guest (and sister) Hannah was a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), and an advocate and administer of the “emotion code” new age technique. As she was searching for answers in her own life, for her family, and for solutions from her past and present perplexing experiences, she found herself in the middle of new fields and “exciting” modalities - or so she thought. By diving into certain practices, she unknowingly was diving into dark territory. Hannah shares a part of her testimony of how God rescued her from the New Age, and how He brought divine revelation to her heart. Now, Hannah has a website where she shares about the dangers of the New Age for the Christian faith, and more of her testimony, along with other bible truths at healinggraceofGod.org. Be sure to stay tuned for the second half and episode of her incredible testimony. If you have any questions or comments for Hannah, her email is byhisgrace223@gmail.com. You can reach me at biblicalandfound@gmail.com I pray this episodes blesses you, God bless! :) In Christ - Austin