Turn on CC to see scriptures and additional commentary. In this video I go over pieces of my testimony and include extensive descriptions of all of the types of voices that a person can hear from the evil ones or in the unseen realm.

Helping you to understand people plagued with this affliction as well as helping our loved ones & the public in general understand it better by providing a glimpse inside the mind of someone dealing with Voices, Noises & Other Supernatural Auditory Phenomenon; I was & am one of those people and have meticulously documented & monitored everything I have experienced since August 2, 2022. I pray I am able to shed some light on this.

It is a devastating thing for a human being to have to go through and it is devastating to family, friends & others who truly want to relate with their loved ones or other people they may know of who are suffering through this; to even comprehend it… Unfortunately, unless a person has personally experienced the symptoms for themselves they won’t be able to truly relate or empathize. Not completely.

Even people who have gone through it may not be able to articulate it well. Until they have stabilized enough to better understand it & fully document what was happening to them for themselves it could take time for them to even have the ability to express these things without freaking out on someone. They equally need someone who will hear them without freaking out. The first critical step for them, for us, is finding someone who can listen to us and shed some light on these issues. This can be difficult if not nearly impossible to find in today’s world unfortunately… someone to really hear what they, we are saying.

I have been through it. I understand it. I can hear you. You ARE NOT ALONE!

​With that said, my #1 goal is to try to give everyone a fairly complete idea of what this experience is all about and how debilitating it can be along with ways to address it to the best of my abilities & from my own mind… truthfully & honestly.