we are not worthy of God’s love. we all have a past. we all make mistakes do or say things we aren’t proud of. but thanks to the grace and love of our God we are forgiven with the blood of Jesus. it is my hope in sharing my story that God doesn’t give up on you but you also have to be willing to meet him halfway. we cannot comprehend the type of forgiveness God gives us because it is not human it is something greater than us. whether people talk about it or not, I believe everyone feels incomplete or like they are missing something and I believe that something is God. He’s waiting for you to call onto him, He loves you and wants the best for you. He is for everyone. He loves everyone. nothing you can do would make God not love you. with love also comes respect, as long as you respect the Lord and his will, he will bless you. He does not want bad things for you. I pray over this lost world that everyone can find and feel the love of God. I put the blood of Jesus over you all and this video that it may wash you clean and make you new. I love you and God loves you.