I know I know… Visions… Pretty controversial even in the Christian community. But can they be definitively denied all together? Probably not.

I am reposting this testimony of Pastor Daniel Branzai who pastors a Romanian Baptist church in Anaheim California. Back in 2021 pastor Daniel nearly died of Covid and he basically had an #nde or #neardeathexperience. In this video he shares the vision he had with his congregation. According to him God gave him this vision while he was passing in and out of consciousness and on his death bed. His doctors gave up on him and said he was going to die, but God had other plans, and now he shares what he saw and heard.

In his vision he was shown the pre-flood world of #noah (the #antediluvian era or some might say the time of the #youngerdryas impact), the #TowerOfBabel, and #Sodom and Gomorrah. Although this wasn’t the focus of the vision, Pastor Daniel also describes what he saw regarding the #theflood, #pyramid, #atlantis, #demons, #giants, #nephilim (also called #aliens today or #ancientaliens) #advancedtechnology.

Interestingly enough, when pastor Daniel asks God why he showed him these 3 specific times in human history, he is told that all of those historic conditions which he was shown are now all repeating themselves to precisely. Like in the times of Noah there is a #demonic intrusion into our #dimension by “aliens” and #artificialintelligence. The genetic manipulation experiments which are altering creation itself. The desire to connect with the #interdimensional entities though our #technology like #cern and #quantumphysics opening #stargate and #portal into other dimensions, just like they were trying to do at the Tower Of Babel. And of course, the rampant depravity and obsession with sexuality which lead to the destruction of Sodom and #Gomorrah. These things are all happening again and pastor Danial was shown the dots connecting before our very eyes.

Some #christians believe we may be entering a dark time in biblical #prophecy, a period known as at the #endtimes or #armageddon or the #endoftheword. A time where the #antichrist will amass global dominance and lead the world into absolute chaos and destruction. But nevertheless, and even in his #vission, pastor Daniel is reminded that God is truly sovereign over everything that has happened, is happening and will ever happen. Therefore, we are not to be afraid, but we worship our God with the whole heart and to be right with #Jesus.

“Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ ‭

    • rtwinM
      1 year ago

      That part about the ‘Tower of Babel era’ where they tried to reconnect with the spirits of heaven, reconnect with those demonic forces which were at play pre-flood 🤔 Sounds like modern spirituality/new-age does exactly that (again)