This is my testimony regarding my encounter with Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). This happened in a house where I grew up since I was 5 years old. There’s been a lot of Supernatural experiences that have happened to me in this house I had to actually live next to the cemetery. The testimony I’m given on the video is one of the best testimonies I could have ever experienced in that house. This happened to me when I was roughly 15 to 16 years old I am now 32. It’s taking me a long time to even give a testimony because to begin with, I’m very private of my life. When You Believe in Yeshua, and things like this happen to you, it is your duty to give a testimony and to keep it to yourself, you’re doing a disservice to God. I couldn’t do that anymore, but now more than ever was the right moment to do so. I hope you like the things that I post on my page inspires you and helps you understand that God is actually inside of you you’re not alone. When you can’t even comprehend what’s going on in your life, he’s feeling it all with you. He saw you, he knows you, and he feels your pain exactly the way you do and more, you’re not alone. For you to have an encounter with Yeshua is not hard you don’t have to have a near death experience I never had one. You just have to simply accept the fact that he is there, just open your heart if you are willing. I hope that this gives you hope, and strengthens your faith. YHWH bless all who took the time to watch this video in the name of Lord Yeshua, amen.