Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I don’t know if it counts as “in the middle”, but I left off reading a book about heaven 8 had borrowed from my mom before I lost religion, and completely lost interest in it.

    Don’t think I’ll ever go back, but that’s the book I left unfinished. Haven’t read anything in years. I was big on audiobooks for a while before I couldn’t afford audible anymore.

    Used to have a job that I could listen while I worked on my own and because of that I was able to go through a bunch of them.

    One I get through my current medical condition (probably a few years off) and I go back to work, I hope I get another job like that.

  • Mine hasn’t been smooth for a while, but was still fine to use mostly. Not like it was making me wait, but it was not the buttery smoothness it started with. I had to charge more like 5x a day though.

    Could pull it off the charger and not touch it til I got to the car in the morning like 45 minutes later and be down to 83ish%.

    I do miss that fingerprint sensor too. I had been using it to turn on the flashlight and pulling down notifications. I miss that.

  • I don’t recall the name of it, it was not a big Hollywood movie or anything, and it was super low budget.

    But it was some old Christian movie about what will happen to you if you don’t get “saved” before the Rapture happens. I remember a song called “I wish we’d all been ready” playing. Not sure if that’s the name of the song, not even positive it was actually in the movie at all, or if it was just something I heard around the same time and the memory is getting blurred.

    From what I recall, it looked like it was made in the 70s.

    I wish I remembered more about it. It was intended to scare the shit out of you to believe in religion. Worked on me at the time, I remember praying like a million times to make sure I did it right the night I watched it, and randomly at times for years as I remembered the scared-shitless feeling.

    Religious trauma is a hell of a drug.

    I kinda wanna watch it again now that I’m older.