Futurama, Archer seasons 1-3, Simpsons seasons 3-8, TNG seasons 2-7
Futurama, Archer seasons 1-3, Simpsons seasons 3-8, TNG seasons 2-7
FTP. Seriously, it’s a life skill.
I think ActivityPub’s license should prohibit financially profiting from the platform.
EDIT: I mean “should be changed to”
MacOS Ventura because my industry is Mac-based.
Although Edison was a complete ass, and did lasting damage to the world by teaming up with JP Morgan to extinguish Nikola Tesla’s work, he wasn’t the one who electrocuted Topsy.
Although Edison was a complete ass, and did lasting damage to the world by teaming up with JP Morgan to extinguish Nikola Tesla’s work, he wasn’t the one who electrocuted Topsy.
Although Edison was a complete ass, and did lasting damage to the world by teaming up with JP Morgan to extinguish Nikola Tesla’s work, he wasn’t the one who electrocuted Topsy.
What percentage of the US annual budget is spent on foreign aid?
I’d like the GOP and right-wing media to be vaporized in its entirety, and I’d like the establishment/corporatist wing of the Democratic party to be smashed to pieces. Maybe then we can hurry up and get going on some stuff.
That’s awful. Fluoridated water is one of the great public health achievements of the 20th century.
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