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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • This is an unconventional answer but stick with me:

    The Bruce Willis Death Wish remake.

    Movies are well known to have a so-bad-it’s-good factor. Aside from watching something made with passion fail, sometimes a failing movie can be mildly elevated by having an interesting choice or concept. Maybe a single actor who is really giving a go and creates a memorable scene.

    Death Wish has none of that. It is a flatline of a movie. Nothing is ever done with passion, nor is it ever entertainingly incompetently. The entire movie is nothing but bare minimum technical competence. There are no bizarre plot twists, no unique action, no nothing. It simply exists.

  • Can an apartment building owner give permission for a vampire to enter an apartment even if the tenant is refusing? If so, does the owner need to be on-site, or can permission be given over the phone?

    If an apartment owner can give permission, can a bank that forecloses on a home give permission for a vampire to enter, even at resistance of the people actually living in the home? Do the people need to be aware their home has been foreclosed on, or can it say, be done as a legal fiction in the dead of night by a vampire corrupted bank to allow entry?

  • Reverse osmosis was the right call.

    The thing about possible problems with municipal water in the US is that boiling would make the water worse. Boiling kills bacteria, but for things like PFAS contamination all boiling would do is steam off water and increase the concentration of contamination in what’s left.

    I’m somewhat paranoid about PFAS contamination since it is tasteless and more of a long term problem rather than something that makes people acutely sick. There are entire counties where I refuse to drink or eat anything prepared within them because of their histories with industrial contamination entering the water supply, which is usually revealed to the public long after the fact.