Anything new is about building on actions. This could be learning to cook, play a guitar, play a video game, interacting with strangers, going for a walk, etc. Nothing is accomplished at once aside from the small steps you set for yourself.
So, set low expectations for yourself, practice the thing you want to get good at, and have hope that you’ll gain momentum and success.
This is actually something I’m practicing as much as I’m preaching. I started waking around the block, then about one mile. I work from home so I was experiencing pain from sitting around in weird positions all day. I could feel the benefits of walking. As I started to walk a little more, I started to lose some weight. Awesome! So now my motivation is to counteract sitting around all day as much as it is to fit in my old cloths and feel good about myself. I’m now waking about 4-5 miles a day.
For me though, to be honest, it’s about my physical well being. I’m not really feeling a huge improvement in my mental health. There is some improvement but not terribly much. I use a watch to track my activity so tracking and building on those records is something.
The thing I’m currently overcoming is not wanting to walk. It happened today. I was exhausted and not feeling motivated at all. But I went for a walk anyway. Everything melts away after about 1.5 miles for me. My speed increases, my focus is directed, my stress is relived, my goal becomes apparent. Tell yourself to fuck off and go for a walk for at least one mile. Then try to add 1/2 mile to that. And then 1/2 mile to that. Accomplishing these little goals ia rewarding and helps with depression. You accomplished more than you set out to do. You rock!!
+1 for cleaning your space. I’ve found that just being sure to take something with me as I move from one room to the next is a super tiny but incredibly helpful task to mitigate negative feelings. Hey! My bed is made! My coffee table is clear! Was my mom here?! No! I did that on my own because I’m a functioning adult. It’s just rad to come home from a 5 mile walk and be greeted by an organized home.