Stirnerian Egoist looking for self satisfaction. Gimme Chinese xianxia novels and romantic K-dramas please.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • ah yes, those highy sought after delights of being restricted, linux is not bad, it’s just like a very strict parent that takes away all your gaming consoles and tells you it’s for your own good, and you know what? i’m happy to be violated everyday by the whims of such a helicopter parent, it’s a feature!!! If possible I would like daddy Linux to remove all my rights to music, movies, entertainment, and leave me only a code editor, a console and a chatroom with my employer, that way I would only work night and day to make money, it would be heaven to be trapped into a world where my only possible thoughts are of code and work.

  • honestly i kinda like it but it is also a bit messy and buggy, and it also has a lot of things that heavily annoy me into using the website on mobile

    the main problem is any time i get a reply, i tap the link to go to the reply and it goes to the post without context, what a mess

    i also can’t see new comments i post without reloading

    idk if they fixed it but b4 i couldn’t delete or edit posts/comments which was like ???

    i do think it’s way better than jerboa for many things, especially for a multi-account user who likes to swap onto other instances a lot. but its room to grow is obviously enormous. I won’t try to discredit the devs, this is an amazing app for something so early in the game.

  • You’re right. Just a note

    there’s minuscule chance that’s wrong

    This is the scientific perspective. All signs point to no. But as always, we might have missed something. I think this is the agnostic perspective, even the “agnostic atheist” perspective. I think, and I might be wrong, that the pure “atheist” perspective is that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is no God.

    But if there’s a tiny retarded chance that for some reason there is something as absurd as a god… lol.

    …then that’d be me of course

  • atheist faith describes people who BELIEVE that god does not exist

    besides the fact that I do exist…

    if there is no evidence that god doesn’t exist, or that god does exist, then yes, there is no reason to believe god exists, but apart from the absurd and extremely vast absence of evidence that would point towards proving even the slimmest of traces of existence, that is also an epistemological challenge in that our perception is extremely limited and we don’t know, as ritswd said, what we don’t know.

    so we have a lot of evidence, but there exists an extremely small and remote possibility that our theories are wrong, just because we’re dumbfucks with very smol brains & tiny eyes that can only see 3 dimensions

    so saying with 100% certainty that god does not exist is a dogmatic belief in our conclusions.