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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’ve never used a nicotine vape product in my life.

    I tried cigarettes once as a teenager and didn’t like them; tried a cigar once and threw it away.

    I don’t like nicotine. I like beer and weed.

    But the whole scare about nicotine vaping is utterly bogus.

    Almost all of the harm of smoking is from the smoke — soot, tar, and carbon monoxide — and not the nicotine. Inhaling smoke is bad for you. It doesn’t matter if that smoke is from tobacco, or cannabis, or a forest fire. Inhaling smoke is bad for you.

    If all the cigarette smokers could be switched to vaping overnight, keeping their nicotine doses the same but using vape juice rather than burning plants to get it, that would be a huge public health win.

    The fact that regulatory agencies have gotten in the way of converting all the smokers to vaping, instead of gleefully endorsing such a change, is utter madness.

  • Yeah, the 2019-2020 vaping lung illness outbreak had nothing whatsoever to do with nicotine vaping.

    It was specifically caused by black-market THC vape cartridges containing vitamin E acetate as a filler. This chemical was marketed to black-market vape makers as “Honey Cut”, intended to dilute or “cut” cannabis extracts while keeping the mixture thick so it looked good to customers.

    Legit cannabis vapes don’t include fillers; a typical California dispensary vape cartridge contains ~90% cannabinoids by weight. Nicotine vapes are water-based rather than oil-based, so vitamin E acetate would not mix with them.

    Vitamin E acetate sounds like a healthy thing — it’s a vitamin, right? — but it’s not. When it’s heated in a vape, it produces a variety of chemicals that would be entertaining to the organic chemist — but no good for your lungs. You don’t need to be inhaling alkenes or ketenes, to say nothing of carcinogenic benzene.

    (Hey stoners! Don’t use black-market carts, just like you wouldn’t smoke “synthetic cannabis” aka “spice”. If you want to vape instead of smoking, and you’re not in a place with good dispensaries with lab-tested vape products, use a dry-herb vape and plain ol’ herb.)

  • In order to explain the injustices of the early US, one has to comprehend English common law, the economics of empires bound together by wind-powered sailing ships, Protestant and Catholic Christian doctrine, and the legacies of the Spanish Reconquista that became ideological white-supremacism.

    It is really easy to come up with caricatures that say “Jefferson was just a rapist” or “the Articles of Confederation were okay, but the Constitution sucked” or “the colonies would have been fine under British rule forever” or “everyone shoulda just joined the Iroquois”.

    In fact, everything was worse and more fucked up and lots of people died in misery and horror.

  • The original US Constitution is explicitly pro-slavery. Not only does it explicitly require non-slaveholding states to return fugitive slaves to their oppressors, but it has multiple mechanisms intended to ensure the dominance of slave states in the federal government.

    The Constitution was never a unified idealist vision of liberty. It was a grungy political compromise between factions that did not agree on what the country should be. These included New England Puritans (religious cultists; but abolitionist), New York Dutch bankers (who wanted the money back they’d loaned to the states), Southern planters (patriarchal rapist tyrants), and Mid-Atlantic Quakers (pacifists willing to hold their noses and make peace with the Puritans and planters).

  • The third verse of “The Star-Spangled Banner” is not typically sung today. It refers to “the hireling and slave” among the foes of the Republic. “The hireling” refers to the mercenaries employed by the British crown in fighting the American revolutionaries. It is unclear whether “slave” is intended to derogate all British subjects as “slaves” of the crown, or if it specifically refers to enslaved Africans who were offered their freedom by the British if they fought against the revolution.