Bona fide idiot

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Twin Peaks, the original run. I watched each episode twice a week when it first aired, then several times once I had it on VHS (including a 24hr marathon with my friends), and then I’ve watched it about 3 or 4 times on DVD. However this has involved fast forwarding through some of the storylines I don’t like in the 2nd season (mostly James & Evelyn,little Nicky, and a lot of the Nadine and Mike stuff). I’ve only watched the 3rd season once so far, it’s long, and quite intense, and I haven’t had the head space and time I would like to dedicate to it when I go back into it again.

  • I think it’s totally understandable to be freaked out by that, it must have been totally surreal. Its not so much that you reacted badly to childbirth, you reacted that way because it was completely unexpected, and you were on your guard a bit because it was night time and strangers, and because something quite huge and momentous (for them I mean) and potentially incredibly tragic if something had gone wrong, was happening right on your doorstep, out of the blue. I think you can give yourself a break over that one. And a pat on the back.

  • Hottest would be 49°C in Marrakech, in the middle of August. I remember Moroccans talking about how hot it was, and a big thunderstorm broke that evening with torrential rain.

    Coldest would be at home in the UK. Probably the coldest I’ve experienced would be about -7°C, that’s pretty extreme where I am though and it would be the night time temperature. I remember a few years ago going clubbing in winter and someone robbed my coat, I had to walk home at 3am in about -3°C with my friends trying to keep me warm. Not fun.

  • Can I offer a non tech site?

    A bit niche - train travel around the world - but if you want to travel between countries by train, or several countries, or cross country, this is THE site. I’ve used it for inspiration, and for checking whether a mad idea I’ve had is feasible, and for planning.

    I’ve done a few trips by train and often people are amazed at my travel know-how but in reality I have none, the guy who makes this website does, and he makes it all incredibly easy. Timetables, prices, options, suggested routes, links to buy tickets, what to expect from the train facilities, it’s all in there.