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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I used LastPass up until they re-started charging for multiple devices. I was happy to pay LastPass back in like 2013 when they used to charge for multiple devices, but when they decided to bring that charge back in 2022 (or whatever year it was) they were charging an obscenely high amount for it, and frankly the UX wasn’t good enough to justify that price. On Android, more often than not I was having to go into the app to copy/paste it, because the native integration just wasn’t working.

    With Bitwarden I’m back to free, and it works so much better anyway. I never looked back.

  • Yup, mine too. We had developers in two different cities, with a few other roles in a third city. We had actually had some significant improvements in how collaborative we could be thanks to going remote-first over the pandemic.

    Then a new company buys us out and decides that collaboration can’t happen without being in a physical room together. Never mind that we’re still not in the same room because…different cities. That, plus pay “rises” that came in at a maximum of 3% at a time when inflation is like 7.6%, and came in 6 months late. Plus multiple rounds of layoffs.

    Over the 12 months before I left the company, more than 50% of the software development team’s years of experience had already left. And more have gone since I did.

  • I’m a bit confused. Like some of the top comments, I’ve run into problems with how links work when interacting with instances other than my home instance on Mastodon before, and while I haven’t been on Lemmy very long, I’ve already come across that problem but worse. At least on Mastodon, I can just copy/paste the Toot URL into my instance’s search box and it comes up. If I get a link to a post on Lemmy I have no idea how to interact with it from my instance.

    Some other issues:

    At least on my instance, URLs are extremely vague. Reddit makes it easy to glance at the URL to see which subreddit you’re on. On Lemmy I would ideally want to be able to see both the home instance of the post and the community within that instance. Instead I get just a single unique ID.

    The way that instances sort seems to be different? Or at least there’s something going on with sorting that confuses me. When viewing this post on my home instance, the second top comment is by @eldrichhydralisk@lemmy.sdf.org, which is the comment I was referencing earlier. But when I click the little colourful connected graph to go to what I presume is the OP’s home instance, that post is way down the list and the second top comment is from “Craving0496”. Which is another confusing point. I’ve noticed both here in this thread, and on the main community of my home instance that I signed up to participate in, some users have an @ at the start of their name, and some don’t. I don’t know why.

    Discoverability is definitely also a big issue for me. On Reddit I could just think of a topic I want to explore and go to old.reddit.com/r/<TOPIC>. Or I can try variations of the name of that topic to find more options or if my first search doesn’t work. Here I have to think which instance to try for that topic, and between the general-purpose instances and the specific ones, as well as the various different ways of phrasing the topic name, it’s a huge space to explore. If I want stuff about programming, I might try /r/programming, /r/programmer, /r/programmers, /r/coding, /r/code, etc. on Reddit. On Lemmy I try all 5 of those community names, multiplied by the 10+ major instances, plus programming.dev and maybe other niche instances. If multiple of those are active, then when I’m searching for specific content, or wanting to start a discussion, I might have to do that multiple times across those communities in different instances.

    I definitely want this to work. I love the idea of federated instances, and I want a place where I can go to be part of a great community without the bullshit Reddit is currently doing. And I’m going to give Lemmy a really good try. But if I had to guess, I’d say I’m not confident in its ability to provide that.