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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Nuclear weapons spread vast quantities of highly toxic, highly radioactive dust in all directions, clean into the stratosphere.

    Any significant use of these weapons would render the entire planet uninhabitable, and cause total catastrophic breakdown of every ecosystem. Even if you survived the direct attack, there would be no clean air, no clean water - and in a very short time, no plants or animals. The forests and oceans would die, there’d be nothing left to cycle CO2 back to oxygen, the ocean currents would be disrupted, rainfall patterns would be destroyed (even if they weren’t coating everything in more radioactive dust), it would be impossible to grow food - the planet would simply stop sustaining life. And that’s not even counting nuclear winter, an ice age brought on by the sheer quantity of stratospheric dust blocking out the sunlight (not dissimilar to the meteor wiping out the dinosaurs)

    It’s hard to cast yourself as a winner if you’re shitting your intestines out from radiation poisoning, with no hope whatsoever of anyone at all getting through this.

  • 80s kid, grew up with 8-bit micros, learned to program because what else could you do with the things.

    Went up the ladder through c64, amiga, msdos and windows, got sent a couple of network cards to review from my brother who worked for an electronics magazine, and that entailed setting up a bunch of PCs in a home lab kind of environment…

    And from there I just flowed into tech support, and moved up into sysadmin.

    I just didn’t have the resources and opportunities to become a full-on developer as I’d initially wanted - it would have taken more continuity and focus than I had available in my life at the time - and you need to get in on the ground floor and keep a constant trajectory if you want to keep up in that field.

    But ferreting through log files and applying my full ADHD to arcane constellations of failure - that, I can do. Packrat brain, breadth-first search and random hyperfocus means I track down and fix all the weird shit that stumps my coworkers.

    I’m basically button-mashing my way through the whole game, and somehow haven’t died yet. Just don’t tell anyone, or they might fix it.