ѕєχυαℓ ρσℓутσρє

I fuck numbers.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Others have mentioned most of my favorite tools. One thing I’d like to add is SageMath. It’s a mathematical software that’s comparable/better than commercial offerings like Mathematica and MatLab. I’ve rarely seen anyone in the academia using anything else these days. If someone does use something else, it’s just because they’re more used to it. SageMath is by far the best tool for most things math.

    Also, while typing about Sage, I was reminded of how great of a tool LaTeX is. If you want to write anything that’ll be more than a single page, LaTeX is probably the best way to do it.

  • Not really a quote, but a poem that I read in school. It’s called মৃত্যুঞ্জয় (The Death-defier). A rough translation is available here.

    A couple of lines have stuck with me ever since.

    ''যখন উদ্যত ছিল তোমার অশনি

    তোমারে আমার চেয়ে বড়ো বলে নিয়েছিনু গণি

    তোমার আঘাত-সাথে নেমে এলে তুমি

    যেথা মোর আপনার ভূমি।‘’

    It translates roughly to

    “When your thunder was ready to strike, I considered you mightier than me. But with your blows you came down. Here, with me, where I stand.”

    It has taught me not to fear hardships, since nothing is ultimate. Everything looks scary from afar. But if we have the grit and determination to face it, all will crumble in front of our might. Even death has nothing on us, since out deeds and achievements will live on. This poem has given me inspiration in dark times. It has reminded me that all hope is not lost, no matter how grim everything might seem.