See, and that guy is proof not everyone get’s recessive depression. I wish you dear luck staying like this, dude.
Conceived during a pagan ritual, raised with living history, educated on rpgs, self taught character artist, goth fashionista - severe case of anime protagonist syndrome
See, and that guy is proof not everyone get’s recessive depression. I wish you dear luck staying like this, dude.
It had a weird fandom as well. All you get to see is a cult easing the protagonists into their cult stuff, but some people were full “yeah, female empowerment!” I mean, I get it, but they basically fell for the cult rethoric.
You know, Sean Connery took that role and produced that movie (yeah, he fully embraced it) because he wanted to do something original. But I mean, as weird as it is, and as original it is as that, it is some serious Sci-Fi movie full of social commentary.
At least tell me you have a well paying IT job now
So you name them because they’re garbage?
Oh god yes. Like GiMP, but like, usable.