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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I would honestly just disappear.

    If I had enough money that I can just go “fuck you”, that’s what I’d do. I’d obviously help my family financially, but probably not as a lump sum except to help them buy property to make houses on. But beyond that, I would basically be away and uncontactable. No one would know where I am and what I’m up to except maybe a couple times a year.

    The bigger question is actually what type of charity I’d end up doing. I have some distrust for charities, so I’d want to take a more direct approach, so in all likelihood, I’d be helping a number of small creators I believed in to see if they could get a chance at establishing themselves better.

  • An infinite money credit card would be pretty small, I think.

    But I get it. I would honestly just pick an ability like being able to match other people’s problems with the ideal solution if one already exists closeby. So, say, someone comes to me looking for a job, and I just magically happen to know exactly of a phone number for a company that needs them. Someone looking for love, and I just happen to know that if we walk down a certain street and make a certain joke, someone else will overhear and love it. I would eventually have a reputation.

  • I HAVE seen people turn around discussions when they have evidence of being more in the know than the established flow of Karma. Hell, I’ve seen it happen with people who only managed to produce complex evidence hours in and that I myself had commented in disbelief they could be right.

    But it’s a rare occurrence even among discussions that do have a person who’s such. Often, post scores pre-dispose the new people coming in into choosing who to agree and disagree on, and even the actual expert who objectively “wins the fight” will continue to get downvotes just because the other downvotes were there. This often leads to the whole “Highschool America is asleep, it’s okay to post X” mentality you’d see in some communities.

    Personally, I think that scoring systems have a useful place. Even downvotes. Sorting things is useful. But I see no reason to actually show the numbers. If scores were hidden, we’d have no more and no less benefits. But that stuff is instance-admin policy and I don’t really feel like fighting for it. Right now, Lemmy isn’t having enough issues like that that I’m bothered, and I don’t know if it’ll ever grow to the point it will.

  • Robots.

    I don’t think humans have the capacity for utopia. We can cooperate, but even if we achieve a near-optimal performant system of any kind, we never achieve stasis. We have before changed things for what can only be collectively said to be for the hell of it (when in reality it was because someone individually benefitted) and any utopia we’d achieve wouldn’t last long and then we would erroneously attribute mistake of that Utopia’s fall to its general feasibility. Plus I fail to consider a society that can’t last as one that is utopic.

    So… We won’t.

    But robots will. Once we’re gone and they’re still around.

    And I don’t think that is a good thing for the robots either.

  • Well, on reddit, I was only ever banned from one community, that being /r/worldnews.

    And I got banned because there were hours old comments by users there basically stating it was a good thing that old people were dying from covid. They were downvoted, but still, not enough, and no one had the guts to say it so I did: I told them that they were plaguespreaders and a blight on humanity, and should improve it by killing themselves, and the fact they weren’t already banned was a gigantic shame for the website.

    Which I stand by.

    The mods then banned me (after I got like 50 upvotes in a couple minutes proving people paid attention to the comments but didn’t realize how nefarious they were) but… didn’t ban the other users. That is until I complained about it elsewhere and basically highlighted how terrible the mods of that subreddit are. THEN they got banned.

    They still didn’t unban me and I wear that ban with pride. I am 100% aware that I triggered an automated ban on myself. Which is, actually, the de facto bad experience I bring to the table: One of the largest subreddits, filled with nothing but “”“powermods”“”, is being left completely unmoderated and easily free to be astroturfed by coordinated bad actors. This is effectively the same as being tolerant of them

    My one political stance on social media is no one should ever be allowed to moderate more than 3 communities.

  • I think this is very close to the most solid answer possible. Like

    This is Bad content

    I agree completely with this bit. Downvotes are inherently subjective, as is the concept of Bad content. But to make a choice of what to downvote, someone has to identify something worth deeming downvotable, and screw it, that’s a good way to deacribe what the majority of what falls under that umbrella.

    The next bit is where I’d make a correction.

    which I want others to see less of

    You can’t unsee that bad content, it’s too late. And you can’t guarantee that downvoting will dissuade its continued presence. The only correlation between the two involves an expected emotional attachment between the posters of the bad content and their scoring outcome, and that’s not always here nor there. Bad content posters can be persistent.

    But downvoting it has an immediate effect on the visibility of the Bad content for other people. It also labels that content. Doing so, puts it away from other people’s eyes, and tells others that someone thinks it should be put away. Maybe they’ll come to agree or disagree with that downvote, maybe it’ll lead to you seeing less content. Also no guarantee. But that immediate effect, the visibility and the score, can not be taken away.

    In either scenario, it’s a communication tool. It may relate to your wishes for content, but mechanically, its impact is felt by a third party.