I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I can’t remember exactly what the topic was, but it had something to do with people using racial slurs. Someone made a comment about South Park, so I commented with the famous South Park episode where Stan goes on Wheel of Fortune and mistakenly thought that the word was a racial slur, rather than naggers. I was given a 7 day suspension, then ~4 days later, they told me I was permabanned from Reddit on all of my accounts. I tried to appeal it by saying that I was referencing the South Park episode that was completely relevant to the topic and that the topic is so valid, that South Park even did an episode on it. The appeal was denied. I highly doubt they banned me for the post. Rather, I had upset someone that was out to get me since I had been banned from another subreddit for not violating the rules at all, but I didn’t fight it. Maybe there was a mod that was in charge of both subs.

    Apparently, Reddit uses some sort of browser tracking method, because even if I used a VPN, they would know it was me. I learned that I could possibly use a VPN and Brave browser to get passed the permaban, but it meant that I couldn’t use RIF anymore, and I was getting sick of Reddit anyway. Reddit had started getting too antagonistic for my taste. It seemed like users were just taking things personal rather than have rational discussions (made up example below) Luckily, the API thing happened, and people started migrating to Lemmy shortly after.

    user 1:

    This is a pretty ELI5 response, so there’s stuff missing, but the general gist is that water expands when it gets near freezing temperatures and below.

    user 2:

    Water is actually at its densest at 4° C. Below that, it starts expanding because of the shape of the H20 molecules.

    user 1:

    Yeah, I know that. I’m actually a chemical engineer. The reason I didn’t explain that part was because I was trying to keep it ELI5. This sub is for simple explanations, and I didn’t want to confused it. And actually, you are wrong. It isn’t the shape of the molecule alone. We need to take into account the polarity of the water molecule. Perhaps, you should consider that you don’t know everything.

  • We were getting ready to have sex. I saw that one of our blanket had a brown stain on it, and she said she had wiped her hands on it after eating chocolate. We had sex. Months later, she admitted that she actually wiped her ass with the blanket to make sure she didn’t have shit on her asshole. She was nasty af, but we ended up breaking up for another reason. She was a deranged narcissist. I’m not saying this as a layperson that watched YouTube videos to get over the relationship. I actually went to a therapist that is a nationally renowned specialist on narcissistic relationships.

  • Ask them the same question is various ways multiple times, preferably several minutes or conversations apart. For example:

    • Are you doing anything later?
    • What are you doing later?
    • Got any plans for after this?
    • Are you free later?

    Once they catch on or start getting frustrated, suggest activities that conflict with their plans but would be rude to argue because you’re being caring or excited to partake:

    • Maybe you could get some rest tonight.
    • Want to go on a drive with me to the beach?
    • There’s a video I saw on YouTube that is so pertinent to [something central to their current life]. I want to show it to you. proceed to pull up a 2+ hr documentary
    • Oh, my favorite restaurant is having a deal, I haven’t been in soooo long and starving. Let’s go for dinner!
    • I have a surprise for you later that I knowwww you’ll love. I’m so excited.

    Note: This may damage your relationship with them or cause them to think you are mentally/emotionally unwell.

    A separate idea is, when interacting with someone you meet occasionally, where the exact same outfit every time, but only wear that outfit around them. This would be even better if you share the same social circle because eventually they will bring it up to others that will disagree with them.

  • i hadnt really thought of it until now, and was kind of expecting lemmy/kbin to get infected with porn, but you state some great reasons. i want to be open that i have used porn subs in the past, and i think that porn should 100% be legal. every adult should have the right to express themselves as long as they are not infringing on someone else’s rights or safety.

    before onlyfans, /r/gonewild was actually pretty appealing. once the amateur porn scene took off, reddit porn subs became advertisements (“check the comments for my onlyfans 😜🍑”) and spam bots reposting other people’s porn. i really would prefer to avoid that. if someone wants porn, they can go back to reddit or whatever porn dedicated site there is.

    btw, i knew a girl who ran one of her own onlyfans-type things. i know it’s annecdotal so my one experience isn’t representative, but she ruined it for me. that girl was complete trash. she still lived with her parents at 24 years old with no ambition other than to live off of others. she proudly stated this. she didn’t work. she had multiple sugar daddies that would financially support her while she would insult them and her customers behind their backs openly to anyone that would listen to her garbage. she had multiple separate ig accounts, each dedicated to a sugar daddy. she would then friend her real friends to show off the “losers” that would support her. the rest of her sisters, while not as bad, were near the same level of toxicity: highly predatory, psychopathically manipulative, and vindictive af. they shared the same social circle that was all the same crap. i fully expect to see at least one of them in the news or jail blotter eventually. i ended up blocking them all on all avenues of communication and recorded me on video telling them that they arent allowed on my property. i also created a highly detailed journal of our interactions, recorded conversations, and kept evidence in case they ever felt like attacking me for setting boundaries.

    anyway, in my experience, the persona we see them display on the internet is fake. they’re not some horny person just dying for some internet stranger to hook up with. theyre not a victim of the circumstances theyre trying to escape. they don’t get turned on by being “slutty” just for you. they get turned on by the power to manipulate others at other’s expense. that their real kink: abuse. it becomes disgusting.

    again, i know not all online sex workers are this way, and there are certainly the fantastical pornstars and couple’s that aren’t terrible people but some definitely are horrible and we dont actually know which one is which because the public gets a false presentation of who they really are.

    thanks for attending my ted talk. ill have a spicy chicken sandwich pls.