i’m trying to connect both WIFI and SPI
But i’m confused about the pinout i guess
In Espressif documentation it explains it uses UART1 to send AT commands to the built-in WIFI controller. They provide the pinout for various boards https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-at/en/latest/esp32/Get_Started/Hardware_connection.html
The nodeMCU ESP8266 V3 board seems to be quite popular. It uses an ESP-12E with it’s own documented pinout. https://components101.com/sites/default/files/2021-09/ESP12E-Datasheet.pdf
But for the NodeMCU ESP8266 V3, i can’t find a specification of using this UART1 for sending commands to WIFI.
The NodeMCU ESP8266 V3 ‘wemos’ variant (which i have) is not as popular and doesn’t have the ESP-12E board integrated; https://makerselectronics.com/product/wemos-nodemcu-v3-esp8266-340g-wifi-module-with-extra-memory-32m-flash
On the ‘wemos’ variant i’m using
- GPIO14/D5 pin as SPI clock
- GPIO13/D7 pin as SPI MOSI
But i can’t find info talking about how WIFI is accessed on the chip. E.g. This documentation (riddles with commercials) doesn’t even mention UART1 ? https://microcontrollerslab.com/esp8266-pinout-reference-gpio-pins/
So what i’m wondering about;
Since i’m having trouble with the WIFI AccessPoint not being visible when using SPI, but visible when i disable the part using the SPI interface; Is the WIFI AP so time critical that i can’t do much other stuff, or am i interfering with the WIFI module because i’m using SPI?
Also, i can’t find any code in github which does the actual AT commands when enabling WIFI by libary calls. I’d found
where it declares e.g.wifi_set_opmode()
but the only implementation i find is in a test folder(which doesn’t even seem to store a value). I’d also appreciate any info on how these methods are implemented to interface with the actual WIFI module.