My wife’s phone dies every. single. day. and I don’t know why she doesn’t just charge it at night.
I’m just wondering how people live like this 😅
My wife’s phone dies every. single. day. and I don’t know why she doesn’t just charge it at night.
I’m just wondering how people live like this 😅
I just fall asleep while watching a yt video of something and the phone is still in my hand.
I genuinely don’t understand how this works for so many people. When i watch something, I watch it and wont sleep until i make the concious decision to stop paying attention and close my eyes. Same with books or anything really. Maybe music works
I WISH I could make the conscious decision to sleep. How does THAT work?
Thats not how I meant it. The concious decision to stop engaging with stuff and close my eyes. No human can just decide to sleep and pass out.
Yeah yeah someone’s gonna akshewally me but nah.